Thursday, October 16, 2008

Eh-hum # 258

And now, a word from the man:

"I'm conscious, as ever, that a lot of water has flown under the bridge since my last message. Since then I've been working hard at an edit of my Diaries 1980 -1988 in time for publication next year, whilst watching Archie grow up and trying to come to terms with my identity theft by a hockey mum in Alaska. And no, Sarah Palin is not my sister, daughter or alias. And I'm Sahara Palin not Sarah." (Read the rest of it here)

Damn straight! No way can he be related to Ms. Sarah "I-can-see-Russia-from-my-house" Palin, especially she was born as Sarah Heath. Yes, we should be looking at the husband. But he's not running for VP, is he? Hehehe, sorry, just like to point that out.


In other news, I have decided to prioritize my studies over work. Its going to be challenging for me to do this full time since I REALLY like earning some serious dough (I have a lot of stuffs I wanted to buy). Then again, I have to move forward professionally and I can't be a staff forever. I am optimistic that my MA degree would help me secure a better job and open other doors/opportunities both here and abroad (eh-hum). Time is of the essence and I have to accomplish this by 2010.

Gambatte Kudasai!


Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book is ALREADY OUT! And as far as I know, only one bookstore in Metro Manila has copies. Excuse me, I need to make a phone call.

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