Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Eh-hum # 231

I celebrated my birthday almost two weeks ago.

Even though I am a year older, I don't feel any different from last year. But is it funny (or not) that I will be 30 in two years time. Perhaps its true that age is just a number, what matters is how you are living your life. And I have so much to be thankful for.

Well, for one, I am back in the work force, in a government institution...again. The pay is not so good, rather, not too bad. But I am looking forward to the work I will be doing (more of the significant, less of the mundane), the people I could meet and the knowledge I could gain. I am still in that stage where I value experience over salary. Since I was, eh-hum, on "academic leave" for a year, I really have no problems starting near the starting line. But it also pays to work smart as well. Gambarou!


The heat nowadays is terrible, and I can't believe I am looking forward to the rainy season. And thanks to the unbearable warm weather, in the past few days (or nights) I have been terrorized by flying roaches. While there is no denying that I (and perhaps most of mankind) consider them pests, I can pretty much handle a crawling roach. But flying roaches are an entirely different thing. And in an attempt to make my room roach-free, I (grudgingly) cleaned my room and (happily) fumigated it with insecticide.

I pray that my normal sleeping habits return so that I won't have to wake in the wee hours of the morning just to hunt for these, uh, home invaders. OMG.

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